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Research-based Art Practices 

For some artists, research doesn't just inform their work, but research is the material, an essential component of its content. Whether you call your art a "research-based practice" or not, library research can provide context and theoretical concepts in your studio practice. Researching and critically thinking about art will help you write about your work, apply to residencies, and share your work with others. 

Artists' Books

 Livre d’artiste? Artists' books, book arts, book works, or book objects, or art objects... including exhibition catalogs, photo books, magazines, pamphlets, and manifestos… In this guide, you'll find a few different approaches and definitions of the category of books authored by artists. Search the Subject "artists' book" in the Cooper Union Catalog. 


This is not a comprehensive list... please check the catalog for more! 

This is not a comprehensive list... please check the catalog for more! 

This is not a comprehensive list... please check the catalog for more! 

This is not a comprehensive list... please check the catalog for more! 

This is not a comprehensive list... please check the catalog for more! Also, check out Cooper Union Archives for Student Publications

Art Research Databases

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