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Library Instruction

The Cooper Union librarians can help students learn the best ways to find, evaluate and use information by providing instruction tailored to a specific course or assignment. Librarians develop custom guides and sessions that guide student to specific resources and research strategies, as well as the importance of citing sources.

Here are just some of the elements that can be included in an instruction session: 

  • Explore library website and online resources that are relevant to course
  • Investigate a variety of source types, their differences and advantages including books, journals, newspapers, primary sources, social media, or others depending on course needs
  • Explain why we cite (give credit where it is due, citations as research resource) and introduce citation tools like Zotero and Zbib
  • Identify scholarly articles and understand what research is peer reviewed 
  • Tour physical spaces to discover Cooper Union's historic Archives and Special Collections, study nooks and more!

To schedule a library instruction session, you can contact a librarian directly or submit our instruction request form and we will connect you with the right person. 




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