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Research Libraries

NYU Bobst

The Bobst Library is open to all current Cooper Union students, faculty, and staff, as well as retired and emeriti faculty. 

For access, simply tap your Cooper ID card at one of the turnstiles. If your ID does not work for any reason, please email us at or stop by the library service desk, so we can investigate and work with the Campus Safety and Security Department to resolve the issue.

**New** NYUGuest WiFi Procedures for the Cooper Union Community:

To get NYUGuest WiFi access, members of the Cooper Union community must visit Bobst Library's Service Desk, located on the east side of the atrium when it is open. (Please note you may need to repeat this process weekly.)

You may still access NYU's online resources while you're at Bobst without the guest WiFi. To do so, use any publicly available computers on floors LL1, 5, 6, or 7.

Problems or questions with NYUGuest WiFi? Contact NYU Libraries IT (and make sure to mention you are a member of the Cooper community):

The New School Libraries


The New School (TNS) Libraries and Archives are open to Cooper Union students, faculty and staff.

When you arrive, show the guard your Cooper Union ID.

New York School of Interior Design Library

The NYSID Library - which includes the very useful Materials Libraries - is open to Cooper Union students, faculty, and staff. 

When you arrive, show the guard your Cooper Union ID.

New York Public Library

A pile of red New York Public Library Cards with "Knowledge is Power" stamped on their bottom.New York City has its advantages, even if you're stuck inside. If you live, work or attend school in New York, you can apply online for a free NYPL digital library card from the New York Public Library, which gives you free access to a bonafide bonanza of resources that you don't have to leave your couch to check out:

There's some overlap with The Cooper Union library's digital resources, but generally an NYPL card acts more as an expansion pack, bringing even more options for education, entertainment, and inspiration into your living room. 

Apply for a NYPL Digital Library Card online or get a Regular NYPL Library Card. For help, click here to find NYPL's help webpage!

NYPL Library Cards are available free of charge to any person who lives, works, attends school or pays property taxes in New York State.

Brooklyn Public Library

Brooklyn Public Library's card is free for anyone who lives, works, pays property taxes or goes to school in New York state. Sign up for a BPL library card and get access to tons of resources:

Account Login | Brooklyn Public Library

For help, click here to find BPL's help webpage!

Queens Public Library

Whether located in Queens or not, anyone may sign up for a QPL free digital library eCard, which gives you free access to tons of resources:

125 Things To Do at QPL - Queens Public Library

Apply for a QPL eCard online* or get a Regular QPL Library Card**. For help, click here to find QPL's help webpage!

*QPL eCards are available free of charge to anyone.

**Regular QPL Cards are available free of charge to any person who lives, works, attends school or pays property taxes in New York State.

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