This service provides fulltext searching over research publications archived in Internet Archive's various collections. It includes content from the natural sciences, humanities, biomedicine, art, history, industrial research, government reports, and more.
Reader access to the content is provided when possible. Sometimes this access is to a "pre-print" or other version of the work, and this is indicated in the search results. In other cases, depending on search filters, results are included for which there is only a bibliographic catalog entry. It may still be possible to obtain access through The Cooper Union Library.
Content in this search index comes in one of three forms:
In addition to simple keyword searching and the basic filtering and sorting options, this search interface also allows the use of Lucene query syntax in the search box. You can restrict term queries on multiple metadata fields using colon statements like journal:Science
, set filters like lang:de
, and apply range queries like year:>1989 year:<2000