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HSS4-B Radicals and Liberals in Political Economy

Front View of Cooper Union ID

Remote Access to CU Sources

All Cooper Union databases are accessible both on and off campus. If you are accessing a Library database from off-campus, you will be prompted to enter the 14-digit barcode that starts "21206..." from the back of your Cooper ID. If you have any trouble, email and we will help you.

Back view of Cooper Union ID


Access to Consortium Sources

Cooper Union students have access to the online resources of NYU and The New School ONLY IF YOU ARE PHYSICALLY IN ONE OF THEIR LIBRARIES and connected to their guest wireless service. Unfortunately, it is not possible for Cooper Union students to access online resources remotely. If you identify a resource you need at one of the other libraries, contact me and I will do everything I can to help you access it. 

Select List of Cooper Union Databases (Complete List)

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