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Step 3. Search a Database

Step 3. Search a Database

In college, many research projects are meant to expose you to peer reviewed articles and books. We will therefore choose a scholarly database to search within. Furthermore, at the undergraduate level, most research projects are best served by large, broad, multidisciplinary databases

Form a Search by Combining your Three Keywords with AND:

  Microgravity   ) AND  Diet   ) AND (  "International Space Station"  )


We recommend ProQuest Central as the starting place for most students. To access ProQuest Central from the library’s homepage ( click the “Databases” tab.


The processed outlined in the following steps will work similarly in other databases. If you are looking for articles in particular research areas, you can also try theses databases that are more specific to certain disciplines:


For example, for Electrical, Computer, Mechanical, and General Engineering, try:

For example, for Biochemical, Medical, or Health Engineering, try:

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