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Yarn Club Exhibit

by Lisa Norberg on 2025-03-12T14:10:00-04:00 in Art | 0 Comments


Yarn Club strives to make fiber arts accessible to Cooper Union students through community resources, education initiatives, and yarn-funding opportunities.

This exhibition displays the work of Cooper Union students, which was made possible by club funding. Students were allotted money to purchase individually selected yarns, many of which have bespoke or unique fiber contents, allowing students to work on a large scale or with new materials. 

The central piece, the Tools Library, connects our club to the exhibition space. Containing the tools and materials necessary to produce the work you see on these walls, the Tools Library is open for student use!

Join our club to access tools and funding for materials and to make new connections! If interested, please drop your name in the box below. 

The exhibition primarily serves to bring publicity to the club and gain new members, especially in the art and engineering school. One of our main goals is to become more interdisciplinary, so an exhibition in the library is the perfect place to have the show!

The exhibition will be up for a month, but our opening was Tuesday, March 11, from 6-8 pm. We had light refreshments for exhibition visitors and an interactive element where students could take turns using our knitting machine. We probably had about 70+ visitors come to the opening throughout the night. Twenty new members signed up for the club; we predict more will be in the upcoming weeks!

Exhibition by: 

EG Rheams
Sophie Wang
Aaliyah Torres
Angelis Herredia

Featuring work by:
Natalia Boumatar
Angelis Herredia
Daniel Luo
Scarlet Quinonez
EG Rheams 
James Flood Roberts
Sunniva Rockhill
Katherine Sazhin
Aaliyah Torres
Helena Uceda
Sophie Wang
Ashley Wu
Zara Zulfiqar


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