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Checkout, Renew, Return

Checking Out Books and Other Materials

Cooper Union students, faculty and staff can use their Cooper Union ID card to check out books and other materials. 

You can search the Library's online catalog to identify the call number and location of the item(s) you need or ask for help at our service desk. 

If you are affiliated with one of our partner institutions in the Research Library Association of South Manhattan, you can also check out materials using your institutional ID. Similarly, Cooper Union affiliates are able to check out materials in-person at NYU and TNS Libraries using your Cooper ID. 

Students, faculty and staff affiliated with The Cooper Union, The New School, and New York University also have the option to login to your library accounts and request materials from other libraries and have them delivered to your preferred pick-up location.

You can also use your library account to check due dates and renew materials.  

Returning Items 

Please return items to the library either in-person or via mail. If you have books from a consortium (e.g. NYU or The New School) or another library, you can return them to The Cooper Union Library and we will make sure they reach the lending library. 

Loan Periods and Renewals

Loan Periods for Circulating Books:
Cooper Union Faculty and Graduate Students 120 days
Cooper Union Undergraduates and Staff 90 days
All other borrowers 90 days

Borrowers may renew material up to two times. Material will not be renewed if there is an outstanding hold or recall request.

Loan Periods for Films and Videos: 

Closed Stack DVDs  

DVDs that are listed as Closed Stack DVDs may be borrowed by professors for classes for one week or for in-house viewing by consortium patrons.  Headphones are available for checkout at the Circulation desk. 

Circulating DVDs 

DVDs listed in the circulating collection may be borrowed by all consortium patrons for one week. 

16mm Films

The Cooper Union Library's collection of 16mm films may only be borrowed by a Cooper Union professor for an in-class presentation with a qualified projectionist. For more information, please contact Dale Perreault. 

Late Fines and Other Charges

Cooper Union does not charge daily late fines on regularly circulating material, but we do charge $1.00 per day for overdue recalled books, and $1.00 per hour (or part thereof) for reserve books. The maximum overdue fine is $20 per item and $50 per overnight reserve item. Borrowers are responsible for all overdue fines, even if they have not received the notice.

For regular books, an email courtesy notice is sent three days prior to the due date and an email overdue notice is sent out after one day, followed by email notices every 3 days. After 50 days overdue, the borrower is assessed a replacement charge and a $15 processing fee. For reserve books, overdue notices are sent out via email each day the book is overdue, until, after ten days, the borrower is assessed a replacement charge and a $15 processing fee.

Material must be returned to the Library in the condition in which it was checked out. Charges will be assessed for damage to material. Material that is damaged beyond repair will result in replacement costs and processing charges being assessed.

All Cooper Union Library-related fines and fees can be paid in-person at the Library's Circulation desk or online. If you wish to pay online, please contact us at and we will send you an invoice via email. All fines and fees owed to the consortium libraries, (i.e. NYU, The New School, and NYSID libraries) must be resolved with those libraries.

Failure to return library items or pay fines during your academic tenure may result in a block on your library account. As per Cooper Union's policy on Registration Regulations and Financial Obligations, "No student will be included in the graduating class unless all obligations have been accounted for prior to graduation." If you have any questions, please contact us.

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