Enter your search terms to begin, either for a known item or a topic.The search engine is NOT case-sensitive and ignores punctuation.
For a known Item, such as a specific book, enter words from the title and the author's last name.
For a topic, enter 2 or 3 terms at most, or the name of an architect or artist.
For a paper or article from a conference or journal, do not use the catalog search. Use the Articles tab instead.
By default, it searches Cooper Union collections with a Simple Search. Results ishow records with all the term(s) in any of these fields.:title, author/creator, subject, publisher, call number, ISBN.
Too many results? Use "Tweak my results" to narrow the focus, add another search term, or use Advanced Search..
Too few results? Redo the search in the Consortium to include more libraries. Verify the spelling of authors' names.
Incorrect results? Try different search terms. Think about synonyms and related terms, Words with multiple meanings may need to be clarified. For example, "cycling" can refer to bike riding or a measurement method. To eliminate bike riding, include a technical term, such as "cycling measurement" or "MNR cycling."