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Accessibility Services: Home

This page describes how those in need of accessibility services may access them in the library.

Welcome All

At The Cooper Union Library, we aim to provide welcoming and inclusive spaces and meet the academic information needs of all users, including those with permanent or temporary disabilities. This guide outlines the services we offer, as well as those provided by the campus, and other libraries and organizations.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us.

Cooper Library Services

Physical Access

The Cooper Union Library is located on the ground floor of the historic Foundation Building. While there is an accessible entrance to the building, if you need additional assistance entering the building or the library, you can call (212) 353-4188 or email us.

Collection Access

If you need assistance accessing physical books, journals, or archives and special collection materials please stop by our main service desk just inside the library and we would be happy to page the materials you need. Similarly, we are happy to help you access our e-resources and, with notice, can provide PDF scans of material. If you call (212) 353-4188 or email us us ahead of time, we will have the items ready for you when you arrive.

Quiet Space

In general, we are not a "quiet" library, but for those with sensory needs, we will make every effort to accommodate your need for a quiet space.  Earplugs and noise cancelling headphones are available at the main service desk.

Campus Services and Resources

Cooper Union Disability Support Services

The Cooper Union is an equal opportunity institution that admits students without regard to their disabilities. We are committed to creating and sustaining a successful community of inclusive excellence as we prepare students to live, learn, and work among people who experience the world in fundamentally different ways. For a list of the services available to students, faculty, and staff, check the Disability Support Services website (opens in a new window) or email Cooper Disability Support Services for more information.

Cooper Union Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) Department at Cooper offers accessibility technology for hearing and sight-impaired individuals through the accessibility options in the Mac OS and Windows operating systems. In addition, they provide access to other hardware and software devices upon request. You can email Cooper Union IT or call 212.353.4350 for more information.

Other Software of Interest:

Other Library's Services

Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library (NYPL)

The Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library (NYPL) (opens in a new window) provides talking books and magazines, as well as braille for people who are blind, visually impaired, or otherwise physically unable to read standard print. The library serves residents who live in New York City and Long Island. To borrow Talking Books, talking book players, and/or Braille Books, you must register with the library by meeting eligibility requirements and submitting an application with a signature of certification.

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