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Student Neighborhood Guide 2021

This summer in the Cooper Archives we processed our collection of Student Handbooks - distributed as paper booklets from 1938-2002 - and were inspired to create something similar for this year's crop of incoming students.

With the help of student life heroes Athena Abadilla and Josue Michel (you know them, you love them), we reached out to current and past students to find their favorite places to eat, drink, shop, and hang out near The Cooper Union. The result is, a list of the very best places folded right into a map that will help you get to them. You can follow this list using the Google Maps app to access it anytime, anywhere, even without the link. Or just open it like any other link in your browser - you don't even need to have Google Maps. The choice is yours - have fun!

Student Guide 2021
...and just for kicks, our inspiration: Student Handbook 1977

P.S. Is something amazing missing from this map? Let us know and we'll add it! Just email the name of the place to with the subject line "Student Guide."

When you click the link on a phone with Google Maps installed, your browser will open with the option to open it in Google Maps. If you'd like to save the guidebook to your Maps app for future use, click "Open." If you'd rather view it in your browser, click "Cancel."

When the link is open in Google Maps, you'll see a list of locations near Cooper Union. You can browse this list, clicking locations that you want to visit for directions. You can also click "Follow" to save the list to your Google Maps app for future reference.

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